Christian Bale is building12 new homes to house 100’s of foster children

The project aims to construct 12 homes, two studio apartments for transitional housing, and a 7,000-square-foot community center.

The project aims to construct 12 homes, two studio apartments for transitional housing. (CREDIT: Robin L. Marshall/Getty Images)

The relentless atmospheric river storm that hammered California recently gave way to a picturesque scene of sunshine and blue skies on Wednesday, much to the delight of actor Christian Bale. "Look how clear it is," Bale remarked, his trademark grin lighting up his face. "It turned out a hell of a lot nicer than I expected."

The occasion was significant, as Bale found himself amidst the serene landscape of Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles, marking the beginning of a project that had been 16 years in the making. Joined by his wife Sibi, along with a cadre of elected officials and staunch supporters, Bale broke ground on an ambitious endeavor.

The project aims to construct 12 homes, two studio apartments for transitional housing, and a 7,000-square-foot community center. These blueprints envision a cohesive village community with a singular mission: keeping siblings within the foster care system together under one roof.

This groundbreaking venture, a pioneering effort for California, comes with an estimated price tag of $22 million and is slated for completion by 2025. Situated adjacent to McAdam Park on 30th Street East in Palmdale, a city located 60 miles north of Los Angeles with a population exceeding 160,000, the project holds promise for transforming the lives of foster children.

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Bale is not merely a figurehead in this endeavor but deeply immersed in the project as the co-founder of Together California. This organization is spearheading the development under the guidance of executive director Tim McCormick and Bale's co-founder and close friend, Dr. Eric Esrailian from UCLA.

"With our Together California model, [the village] is something absolutely new, totally transformative, and something completely needed," Bale emphasized. "Imagine the absolute pain and the trauma of losing your parents or being torn from your parents, and then losing your brothers and sisters on top of that, that’s no way to treat kids."

The groundbreaking ceremony brought together Bale, Sibi, McCormick, Esrailian, along with notable figures like L.A. County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, Palmdale Mayor Austin Bishop, and Department of Children Family Services director Brandon Nichols. These dignitaries, alongside other officials, ceremoniously shoveled dirt on the development site, symbolizing the commencement of a long-anticipated journey.

Sibi and Christian Bale. Dr. Eric Esrailian is seen at far left. (CREDIT: Robin L. Marshall/Getty Images)

Bale's dedication to foster care stems from a deeply rooted sense of altruism cultivated since childhood. Reflecting on his upbringing in England, Bale shared, "I grew up with a dad who was always very active and altruistic... I just admired the hell out of my dad in that way that he went out of his way to care for other people."

This ethos intensified after the birth of his daughter, Luka, in 2005, prompting Bale and his wife to channel their efforts towards effecting change in the foster care system.

Christian Bale surveys the site where officials broke ground using Together California shovels. (CREDIT: Robin L. Marshall/Getty Images)

When questioned about the most challenging aspect of this endeavor, Bale emphasized the importance of aligning with the right collaborators. He credited Supervisor Barger for her instrumental role in securing Palmdale as the project's headquarters. Bale's meticulous approach even extended to personally inspecting the community to ensure its suitability for the village. His commitment is not merely rhetorical; Bale's financial contribution underscores his dedication to the cause.

Addressing concerns about the project's cost, Esrailian emphasized its enduring impact. "But it’s 70 kids or 80 kids forever, and if even one of those children ends up having an amazing life and potentially contributes to society and this village made it possible for them, I think it’s a bargain."

A group shot of the groundbreaking. (CREDIT: Robin L. Marshall/Getty Images)

Despite the challenges ahead, Bale remains resolute in his commitment to the project. "I’ve got to shave my head next week [for a movie]," he quipped, referencing his upcoming role in an untitled Maggie Gyllenhaal film. Despite the demands of his profession, Bale's priority lies in nurturing the dream foster village that promises to make a tangible difference in the lives of foster children.

As the sun sets on the groundbreaking ceremony, Bale stands amidst the dirt and debris, envisioning the transformation that will soon take place. With unwavering determination, he embarks on this journey, fueled by the belief that every child deserves a place to call home.

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Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joshua Shavit
Joshua ShavitScience and Good News Writer
Joshua Shavit is a bright and enthusiastic 18-year-old student with a passion for sharing positive stories that uplift and inspire. With a flair for writing and a deep appreciation for the beauty of human kindness, Joshua has embarked on a journey to spotlight the good news that happens around the world daily. His youthful perspective and genuine interest in spreading positivity make him a promising writer and co-founder at The Brighter Side of News.