Experimental electric vehicle shatters world record – goes 0 to 60 in less than a second

In a world facinated with speed and the quest for superior technology, a group of Swiss students has risen to new heights in EV acceleration

[Sept. 18, 2023: Staff Writer, The Brighter Side of News]

The student-built electric vehicle mythen racing to the record books on a military airfield in Duebendorf, Switzerland. (CREDIT: Alessandro Della Bella | ETH Zürich)

In a world facinated with speed and the quest for superior technology, a group of Swiss students has risen to new heights in electric vehicle acceleration. Their remarkable creation, named after an alpine pinnacle, "Mythen," has shattered existing records and left both auto enthusiasts and experts in awe.

Weighing in at a mere 309 pounds (140 kg), Mythen doesn't look like a speed behemoth at first glance. However, it has rewritten what we know about electric vehicle acceleration.

The vehicle, born from a collaboration between the students of ETH Zurich university and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, accelerated to 62.15 mph (equivalent to 100 km/h) in a mind-boggling 0.956 seconds, making it the fastest electric vehicle on the planet in terms of acceleration.

Looking Back: A Decade of Record Breakers

This achievement did not come out of the blue. Over the past ten years, multiple teams have pushed the envelope, each aiming to set new benchmarks. Notably, a team from the University of Stuttgart in Germany was the last to hold the torch.

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Their customized electric marvel sped from a standstill to 100 km/h in 1.461 seconds, which equates to a 0 to 60 mph time of 1.411 seconds. But the Swiss wonder, Mythen, managed to eclipse this feat.

Quoting one of the team members, "The record has been broken many times over the past decade, but with Mythen, we wanted to craft something exceptional."

Comparing with Aerial Titans: The Mythen vs. The Super Hornet

To grasp the magnitude of Mythen's accomplishment, let's turn to the skies. The Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jet, a symbol of power and agility, powered by twin GE F414 jet engines, generates an astonishing 22,000 pounds of thrust each. Yet, even this mighty jet requires 0.8 seconds to accelerate to 60 mph.

The student-built mythen EV accelerating down a stretch of pavement with timekeepers and support crew in the background. (CREDIT: Alessandro Della Bella | ETH Zürich)

The Mythen, albeit a ground vehicle, approaches this record closely. But instead of roaring jet engines, it relies on its quartet of electric motors. Together, these motors churn out an impressive 326 horsepower, a testament to advancements in electric vehicle technology. In this domain, no gasoline-powered car has yet been able to rival Mythen's feat.

Mythen's Secret: Suction Power

The innovation doesn't stop at electric engines. When the accelerator of the Mythen is pressed, an innovative onboard air pump springs into action. It produces a vacuum underneath the vehicle, pulling it towards the ground through suction. This action not only ensures maximum grip and stability but also aids in translating all of the vehicle's power to sheer acceleration.

"It's a combination of raw power and engineering finesse," remarked one of the Swiss students involved in the project. "Creating a vacuum beneath the car allows us to harness all of the Mythen's energy, ensuring each horsepower is used to its maximum potential."

A Bright Future: What's Next for Electric Vehicles

The Mythen's remarkable achievement serves as a testament to the future of transportation. As we look ahead, the automotive sector's future seems to be steering towards electric, and these students have provided a tantalizing glimpse of what's possible.

Students from ETH Zurich and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts have broken the previous world record for 0-100 km/h acceleration with their hand-built electric racing car, mythen. (CREDIT: Alessandro Della Bella | ETH Zürich)

In the years to come, as battery technology improves and engineering innovations continue, it won't be surprising to see more records shattered. The Mythen has set a high bar, but in the world of technology and innovation, the only constant is change.

In closing, the success of the Mythen is not just about speed. It's about ingenuity, collaboration, and the unyielding spirit of human innovation. As the world watches, electric vehicles like Mythen promise not just a greener future, but also one that's thrillingly fast.

Keywords: Electric vehicle, Mythen, acceleration, ETH Zurich university, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, record, University of Stuttgart, Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet, electric motors, horsepower, vacuum, innovation, transportation, automotive sector, battery technology.

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Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joseph Shavit
Joseph ShavitSpace, Technology and Medical News Writer
Joseph Shavit is the head science news writer with a passion for communicating complex scientific discoveries to a broad audience. With a strong background in both science, business, product management, media leadership and entrepreneurship, Joseph possesses the unique ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, making intricate scientific concepts accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds.