Revolutionary waterlight generates light for 45 days using only salt water

A revolutionary waterlight design is making waves in clean energy with a mission to bring light to the darkest corners of the world.

[Sept. 30, 2023: Staff Writer, The Brighter Side of News]

Lamp generates light for 45 days using just half a liter of salt water. (CREDIT: Asociacion RUVID)

In the heart of Valencia, the reverberations of a revolutionary design are making waves in the world of clean energy. At its helm is Miguel Mojica, a Colombian designer, whose mission is to bring light to the darkest corners of our world.

His collaboration with renewable energy company E-dina and Wunderman Thompson Colombia has resulted in the creation of 'Waterlight', a lamp that can illuminate for an impressive 45 days using just half a liter of salt water.

From Colombian Roots to Valencia's Design Frontier

Miguel's journey began in Colombia and led him to Valencia, where he pursued a Master's Degree in Product Design at the renowned CEU Cardenal Herrera University. But while Valencia became his new home, his heart and inspiration remained intertwined with his Colombian heritage.

The Waterlight lamp is a device that provides electric energy from the ionization of salt water. (CREDIT: Asociacion RUVID)

"Being far from my country, Colombia, I felt it was an opportunity to be a promoter of this new revolution for clean energy," reflects Miguel. And it’s with this fervor that Waterlight was born - a design deeply rooted in social responsibility, sustainability, and innovative adaptation. It's little wonder that this exceptional creation was recognized at the festival of creativity in Cannes.

The Waterlight Revolution

For the approximately 840 million people globally without access to electricity, the nights are dark and long.

"The Waterlight project emerged to brighten up the life of the Wayúu community in Colombia, to take light to La Guajira, but also to reach any home that needs light but has no access to electricity," Miguel explains passionately. The vision is clear: to enable adults to continue with nighttime activities like craftwork or fishing, and to aid children in their after-dark studies.

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The ingenuity of Waterlight lies in its mechanism. The lamp harnesses electric energy from the ionization of salt water. In simpler terms, an electrolyte created by the salt water undergoes a reaction, converting the magnesium it contains into electric power.

Not only does this process fuel the lamp for 45 days with a mere half liter of water, but it also offers a means to recharge phones and batteries using the renewable energy it produces.

Mojica's dedication to sustainability is further evident in the construction of the Waterlight lamp. Entirely built from recyclable and robust materials, its design is influenced by the Wayúu Colombian community. This traditional art represents a deep-seated respect for the region's fauna, flora, and its intricate bond with the sea.

This process makes it possible to produce light for 45 days with just half a liter of water, as well as to recharge phones and batteries with the clean and renewable energy generated. (CREDIT: Asociacion RUVID)

The Pillar of Sustainable Design

"Throughout history, design has transformed the world and has revolutionized environments in a disruptive way," Mojica states with conviction. He believes that designs like Waterlight are essential steps toward sustainable futures. "Sustainability has become an essential requirement when designing," he adds, emphasizing the increasing awareness about our planet's wellbeing.

Miguel envisions a collaborative future where professionals across diverse fields — be it biological, medical, or technological — come together to innovate and elevate sustainability in our everyday lives.

The Waterlight project emerged to brighten up the life of the Wayúu community in Colombia, to take light to La Guajira, but also to reach any home that needs light but has no access to electricity, so that people can continue with their chores at night. (CREDIT: Asociacion RUVID)

A Melting Pot of Design Concepts

Miguel's time in Valencia, particularly at the CEU UCH, has been transformative. His involvement in the ISABA project post-graduation showcases his commitment to designing leisure spaces for children. These spaces, both aquatic and urban, are focused on cultivating healthier societies that prioritize sustainability and development through play.

Having spent four enriching years in Valencia, Miguel cherishes the unique design philosophy he encountered. "In Valencia, the concept has a key role in design, everything has a reason, nothing appears without reason," he says.

He looks forward with excitement to Valencia's designation as the World Design Capital, hoping it will become a thriving creative hub for designers globally.

Miguel Mojica's journey from Colombia to Valencia isn't just one of personal growth but of the potential of design to bring light, quite literally, into the lives of millions. With designers like Miguel leading the charge, the future indeed looks a lot brighter.

Note: Materials provided above by The Brighter Side of News. Content may be edited for style and length.

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Joseph Shavit
Joseph ShavitSpace, Technology and Medical News Writer
Joseph Shavit is the head science news writer with a passion for communicating complex scientific discoveries to a broad audience. With a strong background in both science, business, product management, media leadership and entrepreneurship, Joseph possesses the unique ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, making intricate scientific concepts accessible and engaging to readers of all backgrounds.